The Life Series is a five-part video presentation that delves into the riches of I Corinthians 13:13:
“And now abideth faith, hope, love; these three…”
Intended for small group study, The Life Series was designed to be viewed in a group setting and is accompanied with workbook study questions in order to catalyze group discussion. To help individuals personally digest the lessons, follow-up reading material is also included in the workbook.

Sunday Schools

Church Small Groups

Home Bible Studies
Step back and look at faith, hope, and love from a fresh and Biblical perspective!
Meet the Panel

With God’s ultimate purpose for mankind in view, The Life Series explores faith, hope, and love from God’s vantage point to expose the incredible power of each one!

Content Synopsis
Episode I: Faith (Part I)
The Importance of Faith
When asked the question, “Why is Faith important?”, we tend to think of the ways it benefits us. Although this may be true, have you ever considered that faith is important to God, and why?
The Essence of Faith
What is faith? A common response often involves a belief or persuasion that something I cannot see exists. But did you know that – when Biblically applied – faith does not just believe in an unseen God, but also exposes and expresses the God we cannot see?
The Object of Faith
Did you know that, what causes our faith to be genuine or counterfeit is determined by our view of God? If we hold on to concepts that are distortions of God’s true nature, we will not live by the faith that Scripture calls for.

Episode II: Faith (Part II)
The Object of Faith, cont.
In this continuation of the topic of faith, we delve deeper into our perceptions of God, and how they affect our faith. Going back to the Garden of Eden, we’ll observe the entry of mankind’s unbelief, and its effect on all creation.
The Source of Faith
When we realize we lack something important, our natural tendency is to lean on our own will-power to get it. But can genuine faith come merely by working or deciding to have it? Or is something else necessary to obtain genuine faith?
Living by Faith
What does it mean to live by faith on a continual basis, and how can we accomplish it? Does it require doing “good things”? Or does constantly living by faith call for something deeper? In this section, we will explore the vital and non-optional component of how to continually live by genuine faith.

Episode III: Hope
The Basis of Hope
When we use the word “hope”, it often conveys the idea of “wishful thinking.” However, when we look at the Biblical definition, we find that it isn’t just something that we want to happen…it’s something we can confidently expect to happen? But what are the grounds for such an expectation?
The Vision of Hope
Hope involves looking forward to something we do not yet have. But what is it, specifically, that Biblical hope is looking forward to?
The Effect of Hope
Although the fulfillment of hope will happen in the future, its effects are not exclusive to the future. When our hearts begin to fill with Biblical hope, it produces an enduring effect here and now. But what is that effect, and how does it play out in our daily lives?

Episode IV: Love (Part I)
The Transformation of Love
In this session, we will observe how God’s love for us is not simply a feeling He has toward us, but an incredible power that, if received, will come in and transform us from the inside out.
The Demonstration of Love
When we hear the word “love”, everyone has a personal interpretation of what it means. However, when it comes to God’s love, it is something so much greater than we can comprehend that it required God to demonstrate it. In this section, we will look closer at God’s demonstration of love, and what it involved.
The Interaction of Love
The greatest command in Scripture is that we love God. However, how do wefulfill this command? Is it a burdensome weight God has placed on us to perform for His pleasure, or is it an invitation to experience the deepest and most precious relationship of all? In this section we will look at the commandto love God, and how it is not calling us to mere performance, but to a wondrous divine relationship.

Episode V: Love (Part II)
The Motivation of Love
When someone under our care violates established boundaries, our natural tendencies are to either react in anger or passively avoid the situation. But what does love do? In this section, we observe what it looks like to love those that violate the jurisdictions for which we are responsible.
The Test of Love
All throughout life we encounter trying situations. Sometimes these involve people who purposefully are against us, people over which we have no control. But how do we react in these situations? Do we view those people as hindrances, or as opportunities for God to express His nature through us?
Walking in Love
Genuine love is not natural to humanity, but is an expression of the indwelling Christ. If this is the case, how do we continually walk in love? In this section, we look further into what it means to walk in love on a continual basis.

All too often, faith, hope and love are defined and understood with a wordly philosophy as their basis, resulting in ideals that are at odds with God and His design.